Freebies are great, but there are some paid products that I have found to be especially helpful. They really helped make my job a lot easier last year! Here they are…
1. K-5 Common Core Standards Supporting IEP Goals for ELA {Editable}
This is amazing! It saved an incredible amount of time when writing IEPs.
2. Curriculum Based Language Assessments for Grades K-5 Aligned with Standards
I used these assessments before nearly every IEP. The assessments are comprehensive. The data from the assessments make updating present levels and goals incredibly easy.
3. Listening Comprehension Screenings Bundle {Grades K-8}
These screenings are so functional and relate to what students are expected to do in the classroom. They have helped me “bridge” some communication gaps that I was having with teachers. Prior to using this bundle, teachers would *kind of* describe what was going on, but there was always a bit of a disconnect. I went over the results with a few teachers, and they were so impressed with how the skills assessed were representative of what they were seeing in the classroom. We were on the same page!
4. Ultimate Data Collection Binder for Speech and Language
What a lifesaver! I used this for progress monitoring all year long. It made keeping data and writing progress reports so incredibly simple. This packet aligns perfectly with the goals in Nicole’s Common Core IEP Goal packet (#1).
5. Back to School Baseline Data Tool
The only thing that I felt like was missing from the Ultimate Data Collection Binder was pictures for the articulation words. This baseline data tool is the perfect supplement. Lauren’s packet includes great clip art and “worksheets” at the word, sentence, AND paragraph level.
6. Leveled Grammar Intervention & Leveled Vocabulary Intervention
So far, I’ve listed a lot of goal-setting/progress monitoring tools. Did I do any treatment? You bet I did. These two binders were a “go-to” for me. The visuals, explanations, and leveled exercises made it effortless to teach new concepts to my students. The kiddos liked it so much that they requested to work in these binders. I put the pages in sheet protectors, and the students got to use a dry erase marker to do the activities. Check out Nicole’s video about the Grammar and Vocabulary packets to “take a tour.”
7. Context Clues in Color
I loved the Listening Comprehension Screenings (#3) so much that I was frantically searching for more well-written, not-too-long passages to start using in treatment. I came across this bundle, and it was the perfect fit. You can target WAY more than just context clues (although this bundle is great for that). I made a quick handout with questions similar to those in the screenings, and I suddenly had reading passages that I could use to target numerous goals.
8. Interactive Vocabulary Books
I have a confession to make. I’m addicted to these books! I bought so many of them this past year. Jenna has interactive books for everything under the sun (phonology, social stories, fall, winter, spring, summer, weather, prepositions, nursery rhymes….). They are fabulous for younger and/or less verbal students. The visuals and interactive pieces are great supports when modeling/eliciting language. I’ve gotten some of the most language from my emerging communicators in the autism preschool using these books. Jenna has two FREE interactive books in her store (Playground and Mother’s Day), so you can try it out yourself.
9. Story Grammar Prompts
This is the perfect tool when targeting narrative skills. The visuals are fabulous and really help to teach/support this skill. I put the “story map” in a sleeve protector and let my students draw pictures/write key words using a dry erase marker. They loved it! I was happy, too, because they ended up producing beautiful narratives. Win, win!
10. The Invincibles Save Figurative Language
You have to check this out. The idiom puzzles in this packet work so well. I would buy the packet for the puzzles alone. That’s how great they are. Check out the listing.
Check out more of my favorite products here.
Want to hear about my favorite resource for SLPs?
After talking to many of you, I created a membership for SLPs. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or having a hard time coming up with fun, engaging activities week after week, this is perfect for you! The membership includes lesson plans/activities for year-round themes and skills. Check it out here!
Lauren LaCour says
This is a great list! Thanks for the recommendations and the shout out! 😉
~Lauren says
Aw thanks, Lauren! I use your baseline data tools all the time now. I also finally got your interactive fluency packet a few weeks ago. AMAZING! 😀